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The Hague 07.09.2021 Colombian Ambassador Fernando Grillo, together with Laura Sánchez and Isabela Londoño, public officials, held a meeting with Lina Cárdenas, a Colombian student of Civil Engineering at the Universidad de Los Andes. The latter is currently in the ser Pilo Pago program and is pursuing a Master's degree in the Flood Risk Management program, developed in four countries, including the Netherlands at the University of IHE Delft.

Lina Cárdenas is 23 years old and was born in Sogamoso Boyacá. Lina and her brother were chosen for the beneficiary program ser Pilo Paga. She has stood out for her high academic performance and has participated as a monitor in multiple classes such as hydraulics and geomatics. This experience led Lina to realize what she was passionate about, the area of water resources.

In her last semester of college, she developed her thesis in flood risk, and in December 2018, she sustained it at the International Water Congress in...


Países Bajos, 7 de septiembre de 2021. A continuación encontrará algunas de las actividades adelantadas por la Embajada de Colombia en Países Bajos:

Bogotá D.C., 6 de septiembre de 2021. En el Salón Bolívar del Palacio de San Carlos, la Vicepresidente y Canciller Marta Lucía Ramírez inauguró las actividades conmemorativas sobre los 200 años del Bicentenario del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.

Bogotá D.C., 6 de septiembre de 2021. En el Salón Bolívar del Palacio de San Carlos, la Vicepresidente y Canciller Marta Lucía Ramírez inauguró las actividades conmemorativas sobre los 200 años del Bicentenario del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores.

The Hague (31.08.2021). Ambassador Fernando Grillo held a meeting with Professor Sjors Witjes, Associate Professor of Strategic Management at Radboud University.

The purpose of the meeting was to explore internationalization options between Radboud University and Colombia and promote international bidirectional mobility through research and teaching activities.

The meeting concluded with a mutual interest in managing exchange opportunities at the Ph.D. level between professors from Colombia, the Colombian Embassy in the Netherlands, and Radboud University.


La Haya (31.08.2021). El Embajador Fernando Grillo sostuvo una reunión con el profesor Sjors Witjes, Profesor Asociado de "Strategic Management" de la Universidad de Radboud.

La Haya (31.08.2021). El Embajador Fernando Grillo sostuvo una reunión con el profesor Sjors Witjes, Profesor Asociado de "Strategic Management" de la Universidad de Radboud.

La reunión tuvo como objetivo explorar opciones de internacionalización entre la Universidad de Radboud y Colombia, así como promover la movilidad bidireccional internacional, a través de actividades de investigación y docencia.

La reunión concluyó con el interés mutuo de gestionar espacios de intercambio a nivel de Doctorado entre profesores/as de Colombia, la Embajada de Colombia en Países Bajos y la Universidad de Radboud.


La Haya, 2 de septiembre de 2021. Con el fin de profundizar las relaciones entre Colombia y Japón, el Embajador Fernando Grillo sostuvo una visita de cortesía al Embajador de japones Horinouchi Hidehisa.

The Hague, 02/09/2021. The Ambassador of Colombia, Fernando Grillo, held a courtesy visit to the Ambassador of Japan, Mr. Horinouchi Hidehisa; the meeting was held to deepen relations between the two countries.

La Haya (ago. 25/21). En el marco del Plan de Promoción de Colombia en el Exterior, la Embajada de Colombia en Países Bajos, en coordinación con la Universidad de Leiden, llevó a cabo el conversatorio y proyección de la película Jinetes del Paraíso.

La Haya, 30 de agosto de 2021. El Embajador de Colombia ante el Reino de los Países Bajos, Fernando Grillo, junto a Laura Sánchez, Segundo Secretario  sostuvieron una reunión con el profesor colombiano asistente del Laboratorio de Nematología José Lozano de la Universidad de Wageningen.

30.08.2021 The Hague, The Ambassador of Colombia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands Fernando Grillo and Laura Sanchez - Second Secretary held a meeting with the Colombian Assistant Professor of the Laboratory of Nematology José Lozano of Wageningen University. 

The meeting was held to strengthen the relationship with Wageningen University and highlight the important work that Professor Lozano is doing in the Netherlands. 

Professor Lozano has been recognized for his contributions in the area of Nematology, a scientific discipline that deals with the study of nematodes or worms; he received in November 2020 the VIDI grant to deepen his research in Mapping the Occurrence of Plant Parasitism.

The Hague (Aug 25/21). Within the framework of the Plan for the Promotion of Colombia Abroad, the Colombian Embassy in the Netherlands, in coordination with the Leiden University, organized the talk and screening of the film Jinetes del Paraíso.

During the event, Ambassador Fernando Antonio Grillo Rubiano, talked about the importance of the biological and cultural diversity of Colombia. Likewise, he shared with the 50 students his experience as a diplomat abroad and Ambassador of Colombia, the activities and functions carried out by the Embassy, the bilateral and multilateral relations develop by the Embassy in the Netherlands, among other topics. Additionally, the Ambassador attended to all the students' questions.

La Haya, 30 de agosto de 2021. El Embajador de Colombia Fernando Grillo y los funcionarios de la Embajada sostuvieron una reunión con el investigador especialista en Genómica Traslacional, Dr. Fernando Rivadeneira, médico bogotano residente en los Países Bajos y afiliado al Centro Médico Erasmus en Rotterdam.

The Hague (Aug 25/21). Within the framework of the Plan for the Promotion of Colombia Abroad, the Colombian Embassy in the Netherlands, in coordination with the Leiden University, organized the talk and screening of the film Jinetes del Paraíso.